Reference & Skills Archive

How to Be More Logical via Activities

Logical thinking is a core to evolutionary human intelligence. Whether you’re looking to improve your memory, get better grades in school, or you just want to decipher the complexity of life in general, it’s one of those …

Peak Performance Junkie

From the Desk of the How-To Junkie for the “Peak Performance Junkie”: Howdy friend, who wants “to push yourself to the limit to perform at your best when it matters,” What if I were to …

How to Be More Creative via Activities

Life has a way of throwing different obstacles towards you, and if you aren’t resilient, you will always find yourself thrown off your course. Such time calls for you to get creative to maneuver over whatever you must …

Organization Junkie

From the Desk of the How-To Junkie for the “Organization Junkie”: Howdy friend, who wants “to declutter and organize your life to get things done ,” Mess here, clutter there, and chaos everywhere…ruining your concentration …

Life Skills Junkie

From the Desk of the How-To Junkie for the “Life Skills Junkie”: Howdy friend, who wants “to improve yourself with better life skills,” Do you want to improve your life? Yes, that is a rhetorical …

How to Study Effectively in College

Across every college in America, millions of students are stressing out more than ever, trying to shove as much information into their brains as possible. The problem? It just doesn’t work. If you or another …